Whoever you are, I’m extremely grateful that you’re taking some of your precious time to read these lines. This probably means that you have an interest in personal finances, or even more precisely financial independence! If so, welcome to my blog. We will certainly have a lot of fun together. If not, stay, please! Maybe you’ll get something positive out of it? Maybe give your financial situation a little boost? That, or you’ll just come out of it confused. What an idea, associating Star Trek and finances in a blog name, you’ll ask yourself. My apologies. I couldn’t resist, the pun was too good to pass up.
So, welcome to my personal blog which will aim to report on my path to financial independence. On this blog, I do not intend to sell dreams (or any other bullshit) to anyone, or to dissect notions of finance that have already been dissected ad nauseam by other smarter people. For these important concepts, I will try to guide you to the best possible resources. For the rest, I will try to lead by example.
By financial independence, I mean having enough assets to provide me with passive income that will cover all my expenses and thereby make work optional. I don’t necessarily mean that I aim to never work again in my life. What I do mean is that working will never again be an obligation to provide for my financial needs. I want the freedom to do what I want, when I want, no matter if a paycheck is coming or not.
Thus, this blog will feel quite self-centred (and even a little exhibitionist) because in addition to finding details about my progress, you will also have access to what we are really interested in: numbers. I’ve been to countless blogs about personal finances and financial independence. People not sharing their numbers always left me hungry for more. I understand very well that this is something that tends to make people uncomfortable, especially in my dear province of Quebec, where having money is practically shameful. However, for a pointed-eared millennial like me, this is frustrating. How do I know if I’m on the right track, if I can’t compare my numbers to others?
So, perhaps by laying bare my financial situation, I will encourage others towards the pursuit of financial independence. Because in the end, it’s not rocket science and you will realize that you need a lot less than you thought once you see my numbers, including my income, expenses, savings rate, net worth, investments, etc.
I am aware that I may be exposed to many judgments (who is not, on the internet?). In order to somewhat protect me, my identity will remain secret for the time being. That, I think, will make it easier to share sensitive information like my numbers. Also, I do not want those around me to be aware of my unconventional endeavour at this time. My boss, in particular, doesn’t need to know that my retirement is much closer than hers.
I also hope to add something to the Quebec scene of financial independence blogs: I am a single woman without children. My goals will certainly be very different from couples, with or without children. Of course, I don’t expect to stay single for the rest of my life, but I want to keep my financial goals individual only. So even if a Mr. Save Long and Prosper were to meddle with my life, I will continue to update my numbers as a single person. I have never mixed love and money, and I have no intention of starting now. As far as children are concerned, I just do not want any, so that will never be considered in my calculations as well. Thus, any number you see here will be for a single person without children.
Finally, this blog will hold me accountable, even if it’s only to myself, and help me stay the course. In order to have something to tell, I will have the obligation to take concrete actions on a regular basis in order to achieve my goal. It may not always be big things, but every little thing counts towards my goal.
So that’s me. If this little introduction to financial independence has caught your attention, do not hesitate to leave a comment, to which I will happily respond. Thank you for taking the time to read me and see you soon!
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